Thursday, September 9, 2010

God of The Kitchen ( I )

In Chinese folktale, the Kitchen God, named Zao Jun. Before he become the Kitchen God. He is an idle guy. He does nothing everyday. There is one old saying " The devil makes work for idle hands".

Once he borrows from other people for gamble. He gambled away all his money, property, and even his wife. His wife, therefore, remarry a man who lives by chopping firewood.
Zao Jun has no money to buy things, so he goes to meet with his ex-wife. His ex-wife makes a couple of Zongzis and puts money into the Zongzis. Meanwhile, she tell him that these Zongzis are for you , remember, do not give them to others.

Afert leaving, he bump into the people who loan money to him. They said " pay back the money". He said that I do not have money. They said " What is it on your hands?" He answers " they are for eating". They said " That is fine" and rob the Zongzis and run away.

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