Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Pumpkin Boat

This is a folk story of  Madagascar. One day, one pumpkin fall into the river. A crowd of animales jump onto the pumpkin. They make a  boat by gnawing off  half the pumpkin, then. After that, they sit in the pumpkin boat and play there. While the boat float downstream on the sea, one of the mice get hungry and secretly bite off a piece of the bottom of the  pumpkin.  So, the boat come out a hole and water penetrate through the hole and into the boat. Finally, the boat sink. These animales strive to swim toward the shore. After they reach to the shore, they run after the hateful mouse and try to hit it. The mouse is a fast runner, so they are failed to catch him. This mouse run into a small hole and hide himself.  

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